Open Makerspace Tuesdays
Open every Tuesday for members, visitors, guest makers…all welcome! Tools, 3d printers, VR studio, new materials and new ideas – come in and make something real.
Open every Tuesday for members, visitors, guest makers…all welcome! Tools, 3d printers, VR studio, new materials and new ideas – come in and make something real.
Martin Horgan arrives from Benchspace Cork! Our first Guest Maker from overseas gave a presentation about the co-working space “Benchspace Cork” he is involved with. He shared projects, insights and information about creativity, economy, and the role a makerspace can play that we will carry forward together. Thanks Martin!
3d Print – Git your G-Code rolling Guest/Host Maker: Pår Forsgren Everyone can learn to 3d print on our printers. Bring in objects off Thingiverse or make your own in Tinkercad. (or modelling/VR program of choice) Slice them up in Cura and save a G-code – pick a material, color and make it real. Own…
First meetup in the new space! Dreaming the big dream Moving boxes Sweeping up Sharing the vision Making the future
Halloween Makerspace Spooky Fun and Slime Science at our second Pop-up Makerspace event. Bringing in the public, people from the schools and maker projects – Bjorn’s Laser Pumpa, Funny’s wearable Light-up Ghost, Sam’s Bug-Bots and Jessica’s Slime workshop. Guillame dj’d the makey makey Witch fingers and everyone learned about circuits, polymers, and making things…
Pop-Up Makerspace An empty room, a makey-makey, and a dream. A rag-tag group of makers gather together for the first time to share some bananas and make beautiful music together for the first time. It’s not so much about where you are or the gear you have –